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IPFS News Link • Agriculture

Farmed salmon producers are feeding GMO canola oil to fish

•, by: Ethan Huff

In a shocking turn of events, authorities in Norway have approved genetically modified (GMO) canola oil as feed for its farmed salmon industry, despite the fact that GMO canola is grown using a banned herbicide called glufosinate that was withdrawn from the French market back in 2017 for damaging human reproduction.

According to reports, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA) approved the GMO canola oil for its salmon industry because it was unnaturally genetically engineered to contain omega-3 fatty acids, which when they occur naturally in nature are healthy for the body.

Also known as NS-B50027-4, the GMO canola oil was specifically developed as a land-based source of marine "fishy" acids, as they are also called. Norwegian authorities say this is environmentally beneficial since farmed salmon are already fed fish oil to boost their omega-3 levels.

"Wild fish get their omega-3 from eating algae," reports The Defender, citing GMWatch. "But wild fish stocks are depleted and the price of fish oil has risen, meaning that the amount of fish oil in salmon feed has decreased markedly in recent years."

The 'Aquaterra' omega-3 canola oil is being promoted as sustainable in the media by Nofima, a Norwegian research institute that conducts research and development for the aquaculture industry. Its scientists carried out research on Aquaterra omega-3 canola oil."

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It turns out that the GMO canola oil also fixes another major problem with Norway's farmed salmon industry: the lack of natural "pink" pigment in the fish meat, pink that normally comes from astaxanthin as it develops naturally in wild salmon as they go about their lives.