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Federal Reserve

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Article Image, by Tyler Durden

The headline above is but one of countless times Fed Chairman Powell and his colleagues confidently said their policies do not result in wealth or income inequality.

Article Image by Ron Paul

President Joe Biden has ordered the Financial Stability Oversight Council to prepare a report on how the financial system can mitigate the risks related to climate change.

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President Joe Biden has ordered the Financial Stability Oversight Council to prepare a report on how the financial system can mitigate the risks related to climate change.

Article Image, by Ron Paul

April's 4.2 percent past year increase in the Consumer Price Index is not likely to dissuade the Federal Reserve from continuing its policy of near-zero interest rates. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell believes the rising prices are just a temporary phen

Article Image, By Charles Hugh Smith

The Fed has created trillions out of thin air to boost the speculative wealth of Wall Street, but it can't print experienced workers willing to work for low wages.

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All USA currency is printed with the term "Federal Reserve Note" on them. That's the official term. "Cash" is just slang. I don't have a problem with anyone that doesn't already know that but I did wonder if those that deal with money everyday would

Article Image, RonPaulLibertyReport

The effects of unprecedented government spending (of money it does not have) and unprecedented Federal Reserve counterfeiting of U.S. dollars are showing up in the economy with rapidly rising prices.

Article Image, Freed Radical

You probably know somebody who has legitimately died of covid. Trouble breathing, a trip to the ER in an ambulance, transfer to ICU. Then the most ominous word of 2020, ventilator. They may as well name it the terminal ventilator because that's gen

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Zero Hedge

...the Fed is playing with fire and in their arrogance they are way too confident with their talk of "tools" to be able to contain inflation...

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Ken McElroy -

What will happen to the US Dollar? With the government pumping money into the economy, how soon until the value of the dollar goes down the drain? Join Ken McElroy and famed economist Peter Schiff in a discussion about inflation in 2021, the value of

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Zero Hedge - Peter Schiff

"So much for the idea that the Fed is independent when you have a former Fed chairman admitting that he lied in order to push a narrative that the Bush administration wanted the country to believe - that everything was great and there was nothing to
