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The idea of progress is new. Before the enlightenment, human civilizations throughout history viewed the past as being glorious and did not expect the future to be better than the present but to resemble and repeat the past. Man did not think highly

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There are a couple of distinctive genetic strains that are behind this and they have distinctive types of skulls. The basic population was identified by Carleton Coon as deriving from a very old mixture of CroMagnon and Neanderthal remnants at the en

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For years I accepted the Khazar theory as true. After it, all it was repeated by some writers who also recognized the leading Jewish role in Communism and their leadership in many other subversive movements. It was only later, when I considered th

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In fact, they argue, the rise and fall of great social structures is so common a theme in human civilization — recurrent throughout history and worldwide in scope — that it's more the rule than the exception. Advanced societies frequently collaps

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The book Canadians are snapping up hardly paints them in a flattering light. King’s tone is breezy and light, full of funny stories and self-deprecating jokes, but just below that geniality lies a deep reservoir of bitterness over the treatment of In
