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A well-preserved mummy partly covered with tattoos from the pre-Colombian Moche civilization has been discovered in Peru. Unusually accompanied by weapons of war and the skeleton of a child with a noose around its neck, the mummy, a woman approximate

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Associated press

The ruins of a 2,000-year-old walled city have been found in a reservoir on China's northeastern border with North Korea. The mud-covered ruins were exposed when the water level in the Yunfeng Reservoir was lowered for repairs. The reservoir is o

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Associated Press

Work on a shooting range for the 2008 Beijing Olympics has been suspended after the discovery of imperial-era tombs on the site. The tombs, are believed to date back 5 to 6 centuries to the Ming dynasty, and may be those of eunuchs serving at the imp

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Associated Press

A Greek fisherman has handed over to authorities a large section of an ancient bronze statue brought up in his nets in the Aegean Sea. The 3-foot high find belonged to a statue of a horseback soldier, and would have been part of the cargo of an ancie

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King Tutankhamun's rediscovered penis could make the pharaoh stand out in the shrunken world of male mummies, according to a close look into old pictures of the 3,300-year-old mummified king. The formerly missing sex organ has been just anothe

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Associated Press

A massive language research database responsible for bringing words such as "podcast" and "celebutante" to the pages of the Oxford dictionaries has officially hit a total of 1 billion words, researchers said Wednesday. Drawing

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Agence France Presse

Excavation work started north of Sarajevo on what a Bosnian explorer says are Europe's first pyramids. A group of experts explored the narrow entrance of a 3.8-kilometre (2.3-mile) tunnel believed to lead to one of the two hills resembling pyrami

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Archeologists have discovered a huge 1,500-year-old pre-Hispanic pyramid in a working class district of Mexico City after digging into a hill used every year to depict the crucifixion of Christ. The unnamed pyramid has the same sized base as the gian

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Associated press

Proving prehistoric man's ingenuity and ability to withstand and inflict excruciating pain, researchers have found that dental drilling dates back 9,000 years. Primitive dentists drilled nearly perfect holes into live but undoubtedly unhappy pati

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Only one in five Americans think cheating on taxes is morally acceptable or is not a moral issue, according to a new survey. Some 10 percent are equally ambivalent about cheating on a spouse.

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Associated Press

Navy construction crews have unearthed a rare Spanish ship that was buried for centuries under sand on Pensacola's Naval Air Station, archaeologist confirmed. The vessel could date to the mid-1500s, when the first Spanish settlement in what is no

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Associated Press

A 2,500-year-old sarcophagus with vivid color illustrations from Homer's epics has been discovered in western Cyprus. The tomb, which probably belonged to an ancient warrior, had been looted during antiquity. "The style of the decoration is

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USA Today

Kathryn Bard reached into a hole in the sand at the edge of the Egyptian desert and found the first of 6 caves that hold the most ancient ship stores ever discovered, perfectly preserved timbers, ropes and other fittings perhaps 4000 years old.

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Associated Press

Scientists have found what they believe are traces of the lost Indonesian civilization of Tambora, which was wiped out in 1815 by the biggest volcanic eruption in recorded history.

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Statues weighing up to 5 tonnes and thought to be of one of ancient Egypt's greatest pharaohs, Ramses II, have been found northeast of Cairo. He is traditionally believed to be the pharaoh mentioned in the biblical story of Moses.

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The first humans to spread across North America may have been seal hunters from France and Spain. Clovis points match up much closer with Solutrean style tools, which researchers date to about 19,000 years ago. This suggests that the American people

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ST. LOUIS -- Emboldened by recent successes, researchers, clergy and teachers assembled at a national science conference said they're taking the offensive in the pitched battle over teaching evolution in American classrooms.

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Associated press

A Greek hiker found a 6,500-year-old gold pendant in a field and handed it over to authorities. The flat, roughly ring-shaped prehistoric pendant probably had religious significance. Only three such gold artifacts have been discovered

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By LEE KEATH, Associated Press Writer

CAIRO, Egypt - The first tomb to be discovered in the Valley of the Kings since King Tut's in 1922 contains five sarcophagi with mummies, breaking the nearly centurylong belief that there's nothing more to find in the valley where some of Egy

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