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Article Image, Associated Press

Members of an Indian tribe that has long lived in voluntary isolation in Peru's southeastern Amazon attempted to make contact with outsiders for a second time since 2011, leading to a tense standoff at a river hamlet.

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David Poznik and Carlos Bustamante at Stanford University in California, together with their colleagues, analysed the entire Y chromosome of 69 men from Africa, Eurasia and Central America. They found more than 11,000 sites of variation, allowing the

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Only two large creatures managed to cross the Wallace Line and live on either side of it. The first was elephants (Fig. 1), and the second, Homo erectus. Both accomplished the feat about a half million years ago. And we are not talking some unlucky i

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Confronted with injury and death, Jon discovers a way to put his own culture’s biases aside and learn from a supposedly more “primitive” culture. Through his personal challenges, he eventually grows to balance his own dependence on logic with an equa

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Why for example do we have only 46 chromosomes when the Hominoids we evolved from have 48? Traditional science postulates that the 2nd and the 3rd chromosome have spontaneously mutated together creating 23 pair

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That ability – to throw an object with great speed and accuracy – is a uniquely human adaptation, one that Roach believes was crucial in our evolutionary past. How, when and why humans evolved the ability to throw so well is the subject of a study pu

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The Saldanha Man of South Africa, the Montmaurin Man of France, the Rhodesian Man of Africa, and Neanderthal Man of Europe and the Middle East all existed generally during the early part of the upper Pleistocene era with the Neanderthal Man actually

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"Crown primates appeared simultaneously in North America, Europe and Asia 56 million years ago," Bloch said. "I don't think this specimen tells us much about where primates themselves evolved," he added. The fossil was dug up from an old lake

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The specimen appears to be the skull of a young male whitetail deer or related species with an 8-inch bony projection protruding from the frontal bone. The parietal bone is missing, and oddly appears to have been removed with surgical precision with

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In a recent finding, an anthropologist from Binghamton University has analyzed the tiny ear bones, the malleus, incus and stapes from two different species of early human ancestors from South Africa. This new study sheds light on the earliest known e

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shows that the first farmers in Central Europe resulted from a wholesale cultural and genetic input via migration, beginning in Turkey and the Near East where farming originated and arriving in Germany around 7,500 years ago," says joint lead author

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Anyway, long story short, they were told by "the alien fish people" about 2 stars near Sirius (that have been confirmed by science about 5000 years after the history sticks that have the info), which the fish people were from a planet near them, an

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She walked with a knock-kneed gait, with a heel like a chimp but the upright posture of a human, and she may provide the most complete evidence yet of early man's closest ancestor, scientists say.

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The thing is, you can’t really expect people to truly embrace “Total Responsibility” unless they have the freedom to act—which means that everyone has the same authority in the enterprise with regards to acquiring resources (spending money), acquirin

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While the idea of using DNA from frozen mammoth remains to clone a live specimen is nothing new, the concept that we could do something similar to bring back extinct species of human such as Neanderthals may prove quite a shock to most people. Despit