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“Aboriginal Australians likely have one of the oldest continuous population histories outside sub-Saharan Africa today,” say the researchers who analyzed the hair, a group led by Eske Willerslev of the Natural History Museum of Denmark.

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Recent DNA evidence reveals that Denisovans, a mysterious humanlike offshoot of Neandertals, interbred with early homo sapiens in what was likely the first of two Stone Age migrations into southern Asia, ScienceNews reports.

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We know currently that Europeans and Asians have about two percent of their genomic DNA that originated with Neanderthals and entered the modern human lineage in a process called introgression. But this could have come about several ways. For example

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It tells Science magazine that features seen in the brain, feet, hands and pelvis of A. sediba all suggest this species was on the direct evolutionary line to us - Homo sapiens. "We have examined the critical areas of anatomy that have been used

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Reports of large, hairy hominids--true giants, in some cases, exceeding the height of most Sasquatch or Bigfoot reports--are common in the desolate areas of the north. Cryptozoologist Ivan T. Sanderson noted that these cases stretched from Alaska to

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Fossil soils can yield information about the vegetation that once grew in the regions and can provide clues to the type of ecosystem that existed in different time periods, a university release said Wednesday. "

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There are tens of millions of Americans who in their desperation and insecurity yearn for the assurance and empowerment offered by a clearly defined war against an external evil. They are taught in our fundamentalist culture that this evil...

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On the whole, American men present themselves as savages. I think they do it because they feel very insecure about themselves - similar to the insecurity that prompts a politician to wear a flag lapel pin. Should there be any doubt that an elected...

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Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States, the findings came from analysis of 1400 radiocarbon dates from 47 islands – more than 10 times the number of radiocarbon dates of previous studies. They show Po

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the journal "Language" showing that small populations tend to have fewer phonemes, which is what is required to generate a serial founder effect. He also was influenced by work done by other researchers who examined computer models of cultural evol

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A new study by Baylor University geology researchers shows that Native Americans' land use nearly a century ago produced a widespread impact on the eastern North American landscape and floodplain development several hundred years prior to the arriva

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Modern accounts and possible traces of true giants have come from Tajikistan , Malaysia (where the creature is known as Orang Dalam or Orang Mawas), and the Solomon Islands. Barring some four-toed footprints, much of this evidence is anecdotal. As

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Greenspan had to hold the chair well beyond retirement to the age of 75, but he finally got his chance. In 2001, he used every policy measure in the Fed’s arsenal to prevent Kondratiev's winter.

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This discovery, made in a prehistoric cemetery in the Middle East, could shed light on the nature and timing of newly developing relationships between people and beasts before animals were first domesticated. It also hints that key aspects of ancient

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The study, in this month's print edition of Molecular Biology and Evolution, finds that the one louse species began to diverge into two about 170,000 years ago, 70,000 years before humans started migrating to colder climates, which began about 100,0

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The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words...

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Neandertals are often portrayed as very backwards or primitive,” said Amanda Henry, lead researcher and a post-doctoral researcher at GW. “Now we are beginning to understand that they had some quite advanced technologies and behaviors.” Dr. Hen

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Humans who fire-bomb civilian cities, drop nuclear bombs on civilian populations, act out ideological hatreds taught to them by sociopaths posing as pundits and journalists, and decimate their own kind out of...

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