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Archaeologists said they have unearthed 22 graves in northern Peru containing a trove of pre-Inca artifacts, including the first "tumi" ceremonial knives ever discovered by archaeologists rather than looted by thieves.

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Humans and their close Neanderthal relatives began diverging from a common ancestor about 700,000 years ago, and the 2 groups split permanently some 300,000 years later, according to the most detailed analyses of Neanderthal DNA to date.

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A shipwrecked first-century vessel carrying delicacies to the richest palates of the Roman Empire has proved a dazzling find, with nearly 2,000-year-old fish bones still nestling inside clay jars, archaeolgists said.

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Of all primates, human eyes are the most conspicuous; our eyes see, but they are also meant to be seen. Our colored irises float against backdrops of white and encircle black pupils. This color contrast is not found in the eyes of most apes.

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Archaeologists said they found more than 1,000 silver coins in a Viking-era hoard discovered by chance on the Swedish island of Gotland. The treasure, believed to have been buried in the 10th century, also included several silver bracelets and weighe

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Something in the ancient Greek temple of Delphi made its priestess high enough to believe she could predict the future. Scientists just can’t agree on what. In the temple, the resident female oracle, called a Pythia, was a role filled by a succession

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An Ethiopian immigrant was convicted of the genital mutilation of his 2-year-old daughter and was sentenced to 10 years in prison in what was believed to be the first such criminal case in the United States.

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As modern humans spread across Europe tens of thousands of years ago, they may have interbred with Neanderthals, creating hybrids, according to a new study of ancient human bones from Romania.

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The remnants of what could be an ancient corral for keeping horses have been unearthed in northern Kazakhstan. The finding suggests the Botai culture living in the region 5,600 years ago didn't just hunt the creatures for meat, but were domestica

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The arrest of tomb robbers led archaeologists to the graves of three royal dentists, protected by a curse and hidden in the desert sands for thousands of years in the shadow of Egypt's most ancient pyramid.

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Archaeologists announced that a monolith discovered earlier this month near Mexico City's main square is perhaps the largest ever unearthed in the city's center. The monolith is rectangular and measures nearly 13 feet on its longest side

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A land bridge between Alaska and Siberia flooded to make the Bering Strait 11,000 years ago, more than 1,000 years earlier than previously thought, U.S. researchers reported. This would have closed off human migration by foot across the bridge 1,000

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Archaeologists said Sunday they had uncovered decorated human skulls dating back as long as 9,500 years ago from a burial site near the Syrian capital Damascus. "The human skulls date back between 9,500 and 9,000 years ago, (on which) lifel

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Even in ancient Peru, it seems dogs were a man's best friend. Peruvian investigators have discovered a pre-Columbian culture of dog lovers who built pet cemeteries and buried their pets with warm blankets and even treats for the afterlife.

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Researchers have found and raised fragments believed to be from a Soviet steamship that sank more than 70 years ago off the Arctic region of Chukotka, a Russian news agency reported.

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Hidden in a wooden chest in the heart of a monastery in Udupi, India, an ancient Hindu manuscript has been deteriorating bit by bit over the last 700 years. Now with the help of modern imaging technologies, scientists are illuminating the seemingly i

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Scientists have discovered a remarkably complete skeleton of a 3-year-old female from the ape-man species represented by “Lucy.” The discovery should fuel a contentious debate about whether this species, which walked upright, also

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National Geoographic

A writing system lost for 3,000 years has been rediscovered on an ancient stone tablet in Mexico. The tablet is the earliest example of writing in the New World, pushing back the origins of writing in the region by several hundred years,

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Scientists removed the rear hatch on the Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley, although the work won't immediately remove the questions surrounding the sinking of the sub in 1864. The 40-foot, hand-cranked sub, the first in history to sink an ene

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Daily Telegraph

Scientists have found the last refuge of the Neanderthals, revealing how they eked out an existence for thousands of years longer than had been thought. The evidence from a cave in Gibraltar that they were much more tenacious than previously
