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Economy - Economics USA

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Ben Bernanke came to Capitol Hill to talk about spending, and he was very forthright with his calls for the spending to go down in order for the economy to go up. That’s right, Big Ben has ridden to the rescue – he was three late due to a lame hor

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Washington Post

News this week that Frankfurt-based Deutsche Borse is poised to acquire a majority stake in the New York Stock Exchange did not sit well in every corner of the financial world. Critics complained that a symbol of American capitalism was being scoo

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Mark R. Crovelli--Lew

The tamping down of Whitney’s call has been truly remarkable, given that the majority of the people blasting Whitney stand to make an absolute fortune if she is wrong. Indeed, the only groups who do not stand to make money off of Whitney’s call, if s

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Despite the continuing atmosphere of optimism and denial, we are witnessing a slow-motion crash of the juggernaut that is the real US economy. The unemployment situation is already the worst since the Great Depression and showing no signs...

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Financial markets function to discount the future. Usually, by the time you read about something in the newspaper, financial market pricing has already “discounted” that event weeks, months, or perhaps even years before it hits the front page and bec

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The Potemkin American economy pretends that it can afford trillion-dollar wars, trillion-dollar military budgets, and trillion-dollar bailouts despite having sent much of its tax base offshore and undermining the dollar and creditworthiness of...

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