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Economy - Economics USA

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Terrence Aym

3 bold moves can turn the US economy around in less than a year: 1. Enact a tax holiday for all individuals; 2. Suspend capital gains taxes for 2 years; 3. Reduce corporate tax rates to 5 percent. This article explains how to do it and the massive be

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The Atlasphere

John Stossel points out that many see the privatization of public parks as an evil encroachment by the rich in the public sphere. In reality, privatized parks today are friendlier and more inclusive than ever.

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Do you think our Congress is listening? Europe is falling apart, capitalistic socialism is failing, their bailouts are getting worse and yet we have a Speaker of the House of the lame-duck session of our Congress to is unwilling to do what histori

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Today, the debts do not involve liens against crops. People in modern America carry student loans, credit card debt, and mortgages. All of these are hard to pay back, often bringing with them impenetrable contracts and illegal fees.