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Economy - Economics USA

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s previous research has shown, investors can often benefit from using a trend-following strategy - that is, buying or selling a stock based on the recent performance of other stocks (which is not necessarily based on any fundamental value). Mimicry i

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Bill Bonner, The Daily Reckoning

London, England – The Dow up 95 points yesterday. Gold flat. “Investors start to fret over renewed threat of stagflation,” says a headline in today’s Financial Times. You remember stagflation from the ’70s. Prices rose. The economy didn’t. I

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Terrence Aym

The Gallup organization dug into the statistics of the latest federal jobs report and came up with very disturbing numbers. Despite the fact that the major media outlets are trumpeting that the February 2011 national unemployment number has dropped t

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As we all know, February is Black History Month. Have you ever wondered why there is no WHITE History Month? Or just AMERICAN History Month? Nah, I guess that would be considered RACIST, right? But, as I so often do, I digress. February is Black

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Long time readers of DRScoundrels will remember some posts by our very good friend Kayte of sECULAR sTUPIDEST. is an extremely creative group that started out with terrific conservative bumper stickers and has expanded now int