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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Ron Paul Says Next US Crash Will Be Like That Of The Soviet Union

Ron Paul has just stepped up his war of rhetoric with his nemesis the Archchairsatan Rudolf Vissarionovich von Bernankestein (because never before have we had a genocidal central planner hell bent on printing the world's fate out of a deflationary collapse), and in an interview with Larry Kudlow said what everyone who is watching the day after day melt up (and wondering what comes next) openly thinks: that when all is said and done, and there is no incremental vapor and no incremental HFT levitation effect, that the US collapse will be comparable only to that of the Soviet Union. Needless to say, we are confident he is optimistic. Some economic observations from Paul: "We have so much unemployment, it is so undercounted. The free market economists report that there is probably 22% of unemployment. They pumped in $4 trillion, they should have added a lot of jobs, but how much did it cost us, and that of course is the price inflation that will come. We are moving into another 30 year period where we are going to see a reversal of interest rates, and we are going to see a crashing of the bonds like we saw 30 years ago and it's going to last a long, long time. The Fed deserves the blame for the inflation, and for the unemployment." On the amount of damage done by the Fed: "I think it's unimaginable, it could be so devastating, and could bring a strong, worldwide run on the dollar. We are in uncharted territories. I think we will see changes in our economy and our country almost equivalent to the change that occurred in the Soviet system. I think it will bring down our empire, we won't be able to afford our welfare state, and we won't be able to afford taking care of the world." And as Zero Hedge suggested previously, Ron Paul believes that the Fed's policies will actually lead to a spike in unemployment when all is said and done. Lastly, on Ron Paul view of Bernanke's central planning:"One time when Greenspan was before the committee, I told him if you can make this fiat system work as if it is the market system working, you have repealed economic law. It is positively baffling that we as a country have accepted that one individual can control the economy... I'd like to get the monopoly power away from this cartel that pretends that they know how to run the entire economy."