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The Atlasphere

Science relies on empirical tests and objectivity to further its progress and test its theories. However, when outdated theories are seized upon by political groups as gospel, it smacks of religion. Let's end this farce.

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Your next toilet may come packed in fertilizer for your garden. EcoCradle is the only treeless, biodegradable shipping material that can be molded into as many shapes as polystyrene, a.k.a. Styrofoam, so it can protect objects of any size or weight.

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Kathy Gibson Boatman

I am writing to encourage people of Arizona to attend an event this Friday in support of the California Farmers who are struggling this year. Their water supply has been cut off due to the radical environmental regulations and the Delta Smelt.

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Doug L. Hoffman for

The first is the 30-kilometer-long Gangotri glacier, source of the Ganges River. Between 1934 and 2003, the glacier retreated an average of 70 feet (22 meters) a year and shed a total of 5% of its length. But in 2004 and 2005, the retreat slowed to a

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