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d determined that their dietary process of dissolving calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from the surrounding reef accounts for about half of at the total nighttime dissolution for the reef. The work is published December 23 by the Journal of Geophysical Rese

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A couple things. I don't think there's anything wrong with Obama's advisers concerning themselves with his reelection. Of all the things Obama can realistically hope to do to reduce America's addiction to oil and the rest of it, the biggest and m

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bad public policy, out-of-control logging, and the bad or misguided science that led a hundred years’ worth of forest managers to the mistaken conclusion that a key factor in habitat management is fire suppression, rather than the recognition that fi

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From Virginia to Texas, the longleaf pine has seen its historical habitat reduced to a mere 3 percent of its original 92 million-acre range. Centuries of logging and farming have exacted a heavy toll on these ecosystems, and in recent decades the Sou

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Actually the density of halite (rock salt) is around 1.5 so that mass of salt would be a third less volume --say 390 km diameter--but that is just the salt in the ocean neglecting massive deposits in the continents.

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In the spring, we plant willow cuttings at 25-centimeter intervals so the roots dive into the ground and soak up the degrading contaminants in the timber along with the bacteria. At the end of the season, we burn the stems and leaves and we are left
