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World-class photographers will gather November 6-13, 2009 in Merida, Mexico, during the 9th World Wilderness Congress (WILD9) to present and discuss their work and its contribution to conservation efforts. The congress will debut the inaugural WiLD S

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Over 3 years in the making with a budget of over $1million, this explosive documentary exposes the distortions and hypocrisy of Gore and the global warming “industry.” It explains the true costs of environmental policies like “cap-and-trade” now befo

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In quake-hit Indonesia, the flooded Philippines and typhoon-ravaged Vietnam, troops are evacuating the wounded and stranded, distributing food and medicines -- and gaining the public's admiration. As countries across Southeast Asia clea

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Last week, reported the scientific team behind Sohosatellitten (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) that the number of sunspot-free days suggest that solar activity is heading towards its lowest level in about 100 years’. Everything indicates that th

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yahoo news

SAN FRANCISCO – Dangerous staph bacteria have been found in sand and water for the first time at five public beaches along the coast of Washington, and scientists think the state is not the only one with this problem. The germ is MRSA, or methicil

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Associated Press

Federal authorities failed to follow through on plans earlier this year to burn away highly flammable brush in a forest on the edge of Los Angeles to avoid the very kind of wildfire now raging there, The Associated Press has learned. Months before the huge blaze erupted, the U.S. Forest Service obtained permits to burn away the undergrowth and brush on more than 1,700 acres of the Angeles National Forest. But just 193 acres had been cleared by the time the fire broke out, Forest Service resource officer Steve Bear said.

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Oprah's green episode for Earth Day started with chilling footage and description of a giant island of trash -- "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch". Currently, scientists believe the world's largest garbage dump isn't on's in the Pacific Ocean. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch stretches from the coast of California to Japan, and it's estimated to be twice the size of Texas. "This is the most shocking thing I have seen," Oprah says. Just a month ago, the Natural Resource Defense Council's Kate Slusark blogged here at HuffPost Green about the giant oceanic trash dump: To give you a little background: Years of bottles, bags, toys, packaging and plastic trash from all corners of the Earth are swirling in a plastic whirlpool in the North Pacific. Discarded water bottles from Iowa, takeout containers from New York City, flip-flops from California and plastic debris from the world over make their way from land into storm drains, s

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OK, I am not a scientist, and I don’t play one on TV. Al Gore is not a scientist either, but he does play one on TV. Although, I do not have a Nobel Prize, I CAN read a chart or two. Let’s look at some facts together from the NSIDC. That’s the National Snow and Ice Data Center, for those of you who couldn’t remember. Exhibit #1 Arctic Ice Extent for last 7 years.

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The costs of ending wet storage of ash and gypsum and repairing the property damaged in the Kingston spill is equal to more than $2 a month on the average homeowner's electric bill over the next eight to 10 years.

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Scientists have detected mercury contamination in every one of hundreds of fish sampled from 291 freshwater streams.

More than a quarter of those fish contained concentrations of mercury exceeding levels set by the Environmental Protection Agency for the protection of people who eat average amounts of fish, the U.S. Geological Survey report said.

More than two-thirds exceeded the EPA-set level of concern for fish-eating mammals.



Recover_Under_Appropriate_Management_999.html An international team of scientists with divergent views on ocean ecosystems has found that efforts to rebuild many of the world's fisheries are worthwhile and starting to pay off in many places around the world. Their study puts into perspective recent reports predicting a total collapse of global fisheries within 40 years.

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Paul Rogers

Hoping to learn more about one of the most glaring examples of waste and environmental pollution on earth, a group of scientists will set sail from San Francisco today to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a massive vortex of floating plastic trash estimated by some researchers to be twice the size of Texas.

The bobbing debris field, where currents swirl everything from discarded fishing line to plastic bottles into one soupy mess, is located about 1,000 miles west of California.

"This is a problem that is kind of out of sight, out of mind, but it is having devastating impacts on the ocean. I felt we needed to do something about it," said Mary Crowley, co-founder of Project Kaisei, a nonprofit expedition that is partnering on the voyage with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla.

Crowley — a Sausalito resident who owns a yacht chartering company, Ocean Voyages — has been sailing the Pacific Oce

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Dale Vitt, professor and chair of the Department of Plant Biology in the College of Science, is working with Syncrude, a joint venture of oil and gas companies mining the oil sands in Alberta. The project - part experimental research, part environmental remediation - involves turning gigantic open sand pits created by the extraction process into a rolling, lush landscape. While land reclamation has long been a common practice among mining companies in North America, Vitt says no one has attempted a project of this magnitude.

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APFN Messageboard

Senator Inhofe - Crap and Raid Fallacy Sen. Inhofe discusses the Cap-and-Trade legislation that passed in the U.S. House and the EPA's secret document on greenhouse gases. More...

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The Competitive Enterprise Institute today is demanding that the Environmental Protection Agency allow public comment on an internal global warming report that the agency itself suppressed. CEI is submitting the report to the EPA and formally requesting that EPA re-open the comment period on its so-called “endangerment proceeding,” so the public can comment on both the report and on EPA’s conduct. EPA’s official comment period ended June 23. Today’s actions follow CEI’s release of internal EPA emails a week ago that demonstrated the agency cover-up, followed by a draft version of the report released last Thursday. A day later, the author of the report was given permission by the agency to release the final report but only on his own website.

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The study confirmed what scientists have long observed: that low precipitation and high temperatures dry out fuels and result in significant fire years, a pattern that dominates the northern and mountainous portions of the West. But it also provided new insight on the relationship between climate and fire, such as Western shrublands’ and grasslands’ requirement for high precipitation one year followed by dry conditions the next to produce fuels sufficient to result in large wildfires.

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For Freedoms Sake

The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) has done an excellent job of exposing a major cover-up at the EPA regarding a study on global warming because it conflicts with the agenda of the current administration and its Cap and Trade legislation. Below you will find an excellent summary of the attempted cover-up of the evidence that we are experiencing global cooling, not warming, gutting the argument for the horrendous “cap and trade” bill. Incredibility, CEI has also released internal emails between Al McGartland, Office Director of EPA’s National Center for Environmental Economics (NCEE), to Alan Carlin, Senior Operations Research Analyst at NCEE, forbidding him from speaking to anyone outside NCEE on endangerment issues. Mr. McGartland’s emails demonstrate that he was rejecting Mr. Carlin’s study because its conclusions ran counter to EPA’s proposed position. Don’t take my word for it, the evidence is here......

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News With Views

Those of us who have actually taken the time to do the research fully understand global warming is a monstrous hoax against the world. Master of hustle and bull, Al Gore, has cleaned house promoting global warming. It has been his cash cow to an estimated $100 million dollars into his bank account. Usurper, Obama/Soetoro, believes the propaganda, too: Scientists: Obama document is 'scare' tactic.