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Mises Institute

Nobel laureate Paul Krugman has challenged critics of the government's intentions to regulate carbon dioxide emissions, and he has even specifically endorsed the pending Waxman-Markey bill which includes a "cap-and-trade" program. According to Krugman, the costs of such legislation are no big deal, and in exchange we avert catastrophe. So why all the criticism?

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Sober second thought is now setting in of the cap and trade scheme. I have no doubt what has been proposed will be unrecognizable by the time it reaches signature. So much simply cannot stand. There is nothing more fraught with danger to the p


Everyone loves irony and this tale has irony in spades. Why they chose to go to sea across the North Atlantic in April escapes me. The seas and winds are guaranteed to be awful. Most likely they faced a strenuous expedition to the peak of the ice

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Yet anyone who looks at the globe knows that the present well watered ecosystems are a small fraction of the globe’s land area. The Sahara leaps out, but so too does Western North America and most of Asia. Well watered is not how you would describe m

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Kyoto-style emissions cuts can only ever be an expensive distraction from the real business of weaning ourselves off fossil fuels. The fact is, carbon remains the only way for developing countries to work their way out of poverty. Coal burning provid

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Reclaiming the Earth one garden at a time will reclaim the Garden of Eden for humanity and it will be many times larger than the original and as rich and productive. I cannot begin to imagine just how many people could live on Earth as this comes to

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For more than a decade, Norwegian oil company Statoil Hydro has been stripping climate change–causing carbon dioxide (CO2) from natural gas in its Sleipner West field and burying it beneath the seabed rather than venting it into the atmosphere. Th

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What I experience there is a society that does pretty well with VERY little energy, all things considering. Mind you, not 'pretty well' by any standard of the Western world. But survival - and happiness! - are pretty much possible. Oddly, a f

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There is a crushing need to create a system of representation that is bound to the land itself and can speak to the interests of the land, one river valley at a time. A river valley needs it rivers to be protected and spared excessive damage. It need

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Writing in the current issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers report that despite decades of forest recovery, Wisconsin's woodlands still only hold about two-thirds the carbon of pre-settlement times - sugge

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