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A mystery is unfolding across MidSouth farms. Something is killing crops, trees, even weeds and nobody can explain why. Farmers are scratching their heads and some are worried their crops may be lost to the mysterious plague. It’s happening

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In an interview by Andrea Mitchell a few minutes ago on Mitchell’s MSNBC show, Senator Bill Nelson of Florida, who has been one of the most informed and diligent, if not the most informed and diligent, Congressmen on the BP Gulf Oil Spill issue, stat

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Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is pushing Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal to ignore federal rules and build berms to protect his state's coastline. According to The Hill, Palin tweeted Monday evening: “Gov.Jindal:to avoid ravished coast, build the

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The Atlasphere

In many ways, the 'green' movement is the Puritanism of our era. But these neo-Puritans have yet to fully explain why the rest of us should conform to their scientifically dodgy ideals.
