Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Camera Fraud

The Hand of Photo Enforcement too Far Down in Cookie Jar

Star Valley has been caught with their hands too far down in the cookie jar.

Coming back from dad's last Christmas season, with map software showing that Star Valley, AZ would be the fastest way to travel, was sent in the mail a ticket for $197.00, for going 11 or more mph over the posted. Appriximately, 56 mph in a 45 mph posted. Found is 11 mph or more, and a accuracy of +/-1 mph. Shows a 56 mph trigger at Approx 56 and Posted 45 But 56±1 is not ≥11, for 56-1=55 55-45=10 and 10 is not ≥ 11 Note; - Input SP- 2011000660
Won case based on above. If one travels through this community many times, like I have then I figure the safest of drivers at least one in ten times going down in the valley of Star Valley, near the town limits will not slow down from 55 mph to 45 mph, and then the ticket will be mailed, a good part to those out of state. Many of the residents of my area Gallup, NM have family in the Phoenix Valley and have been fined. Dad, saids you build bridges for others to travel on, and if you engineer a bridge you better for reasons of safety consider tolerances. The truth is that when this community sends out tickets at approximately 56 mph they are robbing for the public, causing points to drivers licenses, and profiting from their error. I would estimate at least at approximately 56 mph a million dollars since 2008. Know my math is correct and feel if communities can hire lawyers they can hire engineers.
The main media the Arizona Republic finds that photo enforcement can do no wrong. Dad, has been caught by the left turn, and by the community shorting the time on the left turn they can bring in more money, the same as lowering the speed on speed radar. With machines the variables being the same the injustice reoccurs over and over. The links and everything is online, plus as people know me have the trial in MP3, and write ups in PDF, with graphics in JPG.
Mark S. Elliott

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