Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio

Program Date:

Roger Stone (Seasoned political operative and pundit; Best Selling Author) on the GOP POTUS circus, and his new books - Vitalik Buterin (Creator of Ethereum; Co-Founder of Bitcoin Magazine) gives an update on Ethereum, bitcoin, and blockchain tech.

Program Date:

James Corbett (The Corbett Report) provides World News Update, GOP POTUS Circus, comments on Obama's supreme court justice selection - Sibel Edmonds (Boiling Frogs Post; News Bud) on the Kickstarter campaign for NewsBud, a people-funded non-partisan

Program Date:

Allison Bricker (Talk Show Host; Political Junkie) talks with Ernest on the future of Declare You Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show, LRN.FM and 'Decentralization' of Liberty Radio

Program Date:

Jeff Greenspan (Arizona GOP and Fmr. Ron Paul Campaign Staff leadership) in studio to provide an update on local/national GOP politics; POTUS 2016; What to invest in if the gov't eliminates cash; bad bills in Arizona; and the electronic national titl

Program Date:

Scott Horton (Scott Horton Radio) on the GOP Debate and the desperation of the republican party; various foreign policy/civil liberty issues - Roger Ver (Bitcoin Enthusiast) talks about Bitcoin mining, the future of tech and living in Japan and St. K

Program Date:

Angela Keaton (AntiWar.Com) on her article, Against Me: A Libertarian Feminist Diary - Karen Kwiatkowski (Retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel) comes on the show to re-cap Super Tuesday and to provide her perspective on what the outcomes mean

Program Date:

Greg Dixon (Asst. National Director of the Biblical Law Center) on GOP/POTUS race, civil liberties - Dr. Tarrin Lupo (Author; Chiropractor; Pastoral Medicine) on his new book "Funniest Articles of 2015" - Tone Vays (trader, risk analyst, blogger; Col


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