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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

04-05-16 -- Roger Stone - Vitalik Buterin -- (VIDEO & MP3s LOADED)

Roger Stone (Seasoned political operative and pundit; Best Selling Author) on the GOP POTUS circus, and his new books - Vitalik Buterin (Creator of Ethereum; Co-Founder of Bitcoin Magazine) gives an update on Ethereum, bitcoin, and blockchain tech.
Media Type: Audio • Time: 169 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Roger Stone
Media Type: Audio • Time: 42 Minutes and 03 Secs
Guests: Ernest Hancock
Media Type: Audio • Time: 70 Minutes and 00 Secs
Guests: Vitalik Buterin
Topics: Ethereum

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 169 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Roger Stone

Hour 1 -- Roger Stone (Seasoned political operative and pundit; Best Selling Author) on the GOP POTUS circus, and his new books:

Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family: The Inside Story of an American Dynasty

- and -

The Clinton's War on Women

Hour 2 -- Freedom's Phoenix Headline News

Hour 3 -- Vitalik Buterin (Creator of Ethereum; Co-Founder of Bitcoin Magazine) gives an update on Ethereum, bitcoin, and blockchain technology

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April 5th, 2016

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - Noon (EST)

Studio Line: 602-264-2800 


Hour 1

2016-04-05 Hour 1 Roger Stone from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Roger Stone

Roger Stone is a seasoned political operative and pundit and a veteran of nine presidential campaigns, the latest being Donald Trump. He also served as a senior campaign aide to three Republican presidents. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, as well as The Clintons' War on Women. He lives in South Florida.



Roger's Books:

Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family: The Inside Story of an American Dynasty

Available on Amazon Now:

Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family

The Inside Story of an American Dynasty

By Roger Stone and Saint John Hunt

Foreword by Congressman John LeBoutillier

Jeb Bush was the anointed one, and his dynasty's fall from contention is a stunning story. With over $100 million collected from Wall Street predators, he thought he could ascend to the throne as easily as his brother W. had. But Jeb ran smack-dab into a brash billionaire who thought it was his time.

With so much money behind him, why is Jeb failing and what are his dark secrets? New York Times bestselling author Roger Stone has the answers! His latest book, Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family (Skyhorse Publishing; February 16, 2016; ISBN: 978-1-5107-0679-8), is the inside story of Jeb's world of privilege, elitism, plunder, enrichment, fraud, drugs, intelligence connections, and shady business deals as governor of Florida. 

But this book so much more. This is the real-life horror story about one of America's most secretive political dynasties. In only four generations, the family has reached prominent positions—two presidents, one senator, two governors, and a director of the Central Intelligence Agency—and now another family member is making a faltering bid for the White House in 2016. How did it go so wrong?

Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family refutes the air-brushing of the real George "Poppy" Bush by his authorized biographer Jon Meacham and the "quickie" bio of Bush 41 by Bush 43, released to help Jeb ascend. These books whitewash the true Bush record of crime, drugs, adultery, and a ruthless pursuit of power.

Legendary political insider Roger Stone lashes out with a blistering indictment that exposes the true history and monumental hypocrisy of the Bushes. In his usual "go for the jugular" style, Stone collaborates with Saint John Hunt—author, musician, and son of legendary CIA operative E. Howard Hunt—to make this a no-holds-barred exposé of the entire Bush family.

As a New York Times bestselling author and canny political operative who has worked for and against the Bush family, Roger Stone has insider information on:


How Jeb made his money
He made his money the "Bush" way: by leveraging the family network and exploiting relationships forged through cronyism and "old school ties." Roger Stone explains why five of Jeb's business partners went to jail and how Jeb made his millions, including how he cashed in on Obamacare and Obamaphones and hopes to cash in on Common Core.
Why Jeb Bush is "low energy" 
Is he too lazy to take the advice and coaching he surely has available to him? Is he not bright enough to do better? Both may be true, but the root problem is that he is so insulated from worrying about what common people think of him that he just doesn't care. The authors reveal Jeb to be a smug, entitled autocrat who both uses and hides behind his famous name. His sheltered, privileged lifestyle has given him a lack of empathy that is apparent throughout his life.
Jeb Bush: a drug dealer who backs the War on Drugs 
It is documented that Jeb was a drug dealer while he was at the elite Phillips Academy in Andover—from pot to cocaine. His classmates claimed he smoked marijuana heavily. He also spent time drug trafficking in Iran-Contra. He opposes the legalization of medical marijuana—and opposed it while he was governor of Florida—and he is a strong advocate for tougher drug penalties and the War on Drugs despite his own shocking history of drug dealing and drug use.
Jeb Bush's Wall Street connections
His campaign is getting large sums from Wall Street, but could it be because of what he did for Wall Street while he was governor? He used the state's pension fund as his political piggy bank to support his friends at Goldman Sachs, the Carlyle Group, and the Lehman Brothers. In return for making his friends rich, Lehman sold Florida's pension program hundreds of millions of toxic, mortgage-backed securities—which defaulted and cost the state more than $1 billion. Meanwhile, Lehman hired Jeb's consulting firm at a rate of $1.3 million per year right after Jeb left office.

Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family includes the criminal misdeeds of President George W. Bush, brother Neil Bush, George H. W. Bush, and family patriarchs Samuel and Prescott Bush. From the Civil War right up to the War on Terror, the Bush family has ruled from the shadows as well as from the main stage of international politics. Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family is the book that smashes through the layers of lies and secrecy that have surrounded and protected our country's very own political dynasty.

About Roger Stone
Roger Stone is a seasoned political operative and pundit and a veteran of nine presidential campaigns, the latest being Donald Trump. He also served as a senior campaign aide to three Republican presidents. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, as well as The Clintons' War on Women. He lives in South Florida. 

About Saint John Hunt 

Saint John Hunt is an author, a musician, and the son of the infamous and legendary CIA covert operative and author E. Howard Hunt. Saint John spent more than ten years searching for the truth about his father's involvement in JFK's death, resulting in his first book, Bond of Secrecy. In his next book, Dorothy, he explored his mother's life as a CIA spy and her war with Nixon, which resulted in her murder. He lives in South Florida.

The Clintons' War on Women

Available on Amazon Now:

The Clintons' War On Women

By Roger Stone and Robert Morrow

Foreword by Kathleen Willey

Explosive Allegations About the Clinton Dynasty

from a Political Insider:

How Bill and Hillary Led a Decades-Long Campaign of Sexual Assault, Intimidation, and Cover-Ups

Hillary Clinton is running for president as an "advocate of women and girls," but the hypocritical way she treats women in her personal quest for power could only be described as waging a war on women. In the stunning exposé The Clintons' War On Women, New York Times bestselling author and longtime U.S. political insider Roger Stone reveals how Bill and Hillary Clinton systematically abuse women and others – sexually, physically, and psychologically – in their scramble for power and wealth.

The authors map the arc of Bill and Hillary's crimes and cover-ups, starting with details about their crimes in Arkansas, as well as Bill Clinton's time in the White House, Hillary's tenure as Secretary of State, their time at the Clinton Foundation, and concluding with Hillary's current campaign for president.

 "If Hillary intends to build her campaign around an appeal to women, her campaign theme is on quicksand," says Stone, who unravels the Clintons' many crimes against women. "Hillary is a life-time abuser of women and her advocacy on women issues rings hollow."

In The Clintons' War On Women, the appalling truth about the Clintons is finally revealed without apology:

·    The details of Bill's rape of 19-year-old Eileen Wellstone, for which he was thrown out of Oxford

·    Bill's sexual assaults on other women such as Juanita Broaddrick , Carolyn Moffet, Liz Ward Gracen, Helen Dowdy, Paula Jones, Christy Zercher, and Kathleen Willey among dozens of others.

·    Hillary's use of heavy-handed private detectives to collect information on Bill's victims and then silence them.

·    Hillary's strange relationship with top aide Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner's wife.

·    The Clintons' association with convicted pedophile and family friend Bill Jeffrey Epstein.

·    The identities of Clinton Presidential Library's multi-million dollar donors, such as the Sultan of Brunei, a pedophile sultan, who maintains an under-age harem of girls in the country he rules.

·    The identity of Chelsea Clinton's real father (hint: not Bill).

·    The adult Chelsea's "Reign of Terror" at the Clinton Foundation, and why co-workers call her nasty, entitled, and abusive.

·    Even more dark family secrets are divulged, such as Bill Clinton's ties to murder, his time in drug rehab, and the abandonment of his African-American son, and much more.

The Clintons' War on Women is the first book to document the couple's affiliations to crimes against womankind.

"Hillary often forgets that hypocrisy is not a virtue," states Stone. "The key to defeating Hillary is to prove who she really is to women voters."

The Clintons' War on Women exposes Hillary Clinton for who she really is, before she can receive the Democratic nomination, and before she can continue to wage war on women as the next Commander-in-Chief. Anyone who cares about the future of the United States will want to read this tell-all.

Roger Stone is a seasoned political operative and pundit. A veteran of eight national presidential campaigns, he served as a senior campaign aide to three Republican presidents before leaving the GOP for the Libertarian Party. He is author of the New York Times bestseller The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ and has written for Fox Opinion, Breitbart News,, and the Op-Ed page of the New York Times. A well-known voice in politics for over forty years, Roger Stone often gives insights on behind-the-scenes political agendas on Fox News, CNN, CNBC, and MSNBC.  He lives in South Florida.

Robert Morrow is a political researcher and historian with expertise on the Clintons, the Bush family, and the JFK assassination. He holds a history degree from Princeton University and an MBA from the University of Texas. He lives in Austin, Texas.

Hour 2

Media Type: Audio • Time: 42 Minutes and 03 Secs
Guests: Ernest Hancock

Hour 2 -- Freedom's Phoenix Headline News


Hour 2

2016-04-05 Hour 2 FP Headline News from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Ernest Hancock

Freedom's Phoenix Headline News


Hour 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 70 Minutes and 00 Secs
Guests: Vitalik Buterin
Topics: Ethereum

Hour 3 -- Vitalik Buterin (Creator of Ethereum; Co-Founder of Bitcoin Magazine) gives an update on Ethereum, bitcoin, and blockchain technology


Hour 3

2016-04-05 Hour 3 Vitalik Buterin from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Vitalik Buterin

Vitalik is the creator of Ethereum. He first discovered blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies through Bitcoin in 2011, and was immediately excited by the technology and its potential. He cofounded Bitcoin Magazine in September 2011, and after two and a half years looking at what the existing blockchain technology and applications had to offer, wrote the Ethereum white paper in November 2013. He now leads Ethereum's research team, working on future versions of the Ethereum protocol.




DEVCON1: Understanding the Ethereum Blockchain Protocol - Vitalik Buterin

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