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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

03-15-16 -- Vince Edwards - Sam Patterson, Chris Pacia -- (VIDEO & MP3s LOADED)

Vince Edwards (Author: I'm Leaving Civilization, Wanna Come With Me?) talks about his private property rights being challenged -- Sam Patterson and Chris Pacia (Open Bazaar) on their open source project to create a decentralized network for peer to p
Media Type: Audio • Time: 206 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Vince Edwards
Media Type: Audio • Time: 47 Minutes and 13 Secs
Guests: Ernest Hancock
Media Type: Audio • Time: 101 Minutes and 0 Secs
Topics: OpenBazaar

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 206 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Vince Edwards

Hour 1 - Vince Edwards (Author: I'm Leaving Civilization, Wanna Come With Me?) talks about his private property rights being challenged

Hour 2 -- Freedom's Phoenix Headline News

Hour 3 - Sam Patterson and Chris Pacia (Open Bazaar) on their open source project to create a decentralized network for peer to peer commerce online

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March 15th, 2016

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - Noon (EST)

Studio Line: 602-264-2800 


Hour 1

2016-03-15 Hour 1 Vince Edwards from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Vince Edwards


Vince is the author of:I'm Leaving Civilization, Wanna Come With Me? (Click Here for PDF)


You are entering a "Common Sense Zone."

30 years of activism and law research has culminated in this simplified text of how the system really works. Once you're aware of how "the matrix" has you, you'll have the knowledge necessary to free yourself.

Today Vince is the community leader for the Garden of Eden project in Blanca, Colorado, which is a model for a network of local communities. The goal is to create paradise where all the basics are covered for the lowest possible investment per member.

For as low as $200 per month interest free you could be living free. Food, water, shelter, Wi-Fi, electric, heat all eventually covered for a one time price. Once your membership is paid off you will never need to pay another bill again.

All members contribute 16hrs/WK of their time to continue improving quality of life for everyone in the community.

After 7 years of law study and nearly 20 years of activism Vincent has decided to simply exercise his rights without asking anyone permission. If he is correct in his presumptions of law, we could all be living in a world of abundance, if we just learned what our right are and how to enforce them, without the "help" of an attorney.

For his current project, Vincent has been studying code enforcement and how it is unlawfully used on non-commercial activity. He asserts that ALL code enforcement on private property is fraud as well as unconstitutional.

As evidence of this he has put his own property on the line and 37 days after service upon him of a 10 day warning, he is still yet to receive a summons even though publicly he's been egging on the "powers that be" to give him a call so he can go pick up his summons and have his day in court.

Instead of receiving a summons, Vincent and anyone else who disagrees with COSTILLA COUNTY CORPORATION about the law is harassed, intimidated and terrorized until they comply. We're going to discuss law, your rights and what you can do if someone violated them. One thing is for sure according to Vincent, if you need an attorney to defend them, you don't have any.


Vince's previous interviews on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:

Hour 2

Media Type: Audio • Time: 47 Minutes and 13 Secs
Guests: Ernest Hancock

Hour 2 -- Freedom's Phoenix Headline News


Hour 2

2016-03-15 Hour 2 FP Headline News from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

2015-10-07 Hour 1 Freedom's Phoenix Headline News from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Ernest Hancock

Freedom's Phoenix Headline News



Hour 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 101 Minutes and 0 Secs
Topics: OpenBazaar

Hour 3 - Sam Patterson and Chris Pacia (Open Bazaar) on their open source project to create a decentralized network for peer to peer commerce online


Hour 3

2016-03-15 Hour 3 Sam Patterson, Chris Pacia from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Sam Patterson and Chris Pacia

OpenBazaar - Released on Test Net



Sam Patterson is the operations lead on the OpenBazaar project and is a co-founder of OB1, the company helping to build OpenBazaar. He's written about Bitcoin and other emerging decentralized technologies which give people more freedom in their lives.


Chris Pacia is the lead backend Software developer for


OpenBazaar is a decentralized marketplace that allows people to buy and sell goods and services with each other directly, peer to peer. It uses Bitcoin and has no fees and no restrictions. We launched OpenBazaar on the testnet (meaning it's for testing only at this point) at the beginning of March, and we've seen thousands of people testing over the last few weeks. We will launch for real trade soon.

How does OpenBazaar work?

February 08, 2016 15:29

OpenBazaar is a different way to do online commerce. Instead of visiting a website, you download and install a program on your computer that directly connects you to other people looking to buy and sell goods and services with you. This peer to peer network isn't controlled by any company or organization - it's a community of people who want to engage in trade directly with each other.

You can read more about how this works at this article.



OpenBazaar Weekly Update, March 7, 2016

 March 7, 2016  OB1 Team

We've been posting weekly development updates for many months now. Since our testnet release on March 1st, we're now going to give updates on development through release notes when new versions are released.

We will continue publishing weekly updates, which won't be focused on code changes but other information around the progress of the OpenBazaar software, network, and community.

Testnet Release

On March 1st we released the testnet version of OpenBazaar. Over the past week we've been excited to see so many people download and test OpenBazaar for themselves. Since OpenBazaar is purely peer to peer, there is no central server to collect exact numbers on how many users installed OpenBazaar since testnet launch, but we can see how many users downloaded the installers from the Github repositories. Version 1.0.6 and 1.0.7 have been downloaded more than 8,000 times over the past week. The OpenBazaar testnet now has hundreds of items people are buying and selling to test out the software.

In addition, we've seen more than 100 new issues opened on the client repository and 20 openedon the server repository. We appreciate so many people testing and reporting in order to make OpenBazaar ready for the upcoming main net release.

Many testers took to Twitter to share updates and screenshots of their own OpenBazaar pages and stores. One tester made a video showing off the process of purchasing products, shown at the bottom of this post.

The team is currently addressing the new open issues and responding to user feedback. Also, having so many users on the network has given us the ability to see how individual nodes respond to higher traffic. With this information we're now focusing on optimization.

We will continue to put out new releases during this testing phase until we get enough testing and feedback to feel confident switching over to the main net. There is no set deadline yet for this transition.


OpenBazaar Released on the Testnet

 March 2, 2016  OB1 Team


OpenBazaar is now fully functional on the testnet. We welcome rigorous testing from the community to ensure everything is functioning properly. You can download the testnet versionhere.

After we're confident of the stability and functionality of the product, we'll transition to the main net and OpenBazaar will be open for business.


If you want to become a tester, check out the tester's guide.

The OpenBazaar User Tutorial has an overview of how to use the platform.

The Vendor's Guide gives more details on how to sell goods and services on the network.


If you need help, visit our help desk.

If you want to chat with someone from the OpenBazaar community for help, or to give feedback on how OpenBazaar is working for you, join our Slack community.

Don't forget that this is on the testnet and uses testnet bitcoin for the moment. If you need a testnet wallet, we recommend Copay, which is available here on both iOS and Android. If you need testnet coins, you can grab some here for free.

If you'd like to notified when OpenBazaar launches for real trade, drop your email here.


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