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Education: Opportunities/Resources

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Have you ever added up the cost of being allowed to keep a vehicle? Not what it cost you to buy it - nor what it cost to maintain it.

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The term "corporate food" is pretty disturbing if you stop to think about it. Corporations aren't usually known for their strong ethics or for placing people above profit. And yet, somehow, more than 70% of food in America is processed and almo

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What if a rusty nail poked your foot? You've probably heard by now that getting injured by any rusty object can lead to tetanus. Tetanus is caused by bacteria known as Clostridium tetani, which is commonly found in soil, dust, and animal feces "

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There's a misconception that Linux users don't need antivirus software. Linux is more secure than Windows, that's for sure. However, antivirus is vital for any computer, Windows, Linux, or Mac. Furthermore, with the prevalence of malware and ra

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Are you or a family member dealing with inflammation? Are you gluten-free or Celiac? Or do you perhaps want to stock a larger variety of grains in your preps to avoid being too dependent on wheat? Good news! Below I have compiled a list of alternativ

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macOS is an intuitive operating system, so you don't have to spend lot of time learning the basics; Knowing this, why should you learn and take advantage of the Unix command line available on your Mac? We have four good reasons:

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The following seems like science fiction, but scalar beam weapons were invented in 1904 by Nicola Tesla, an American immigrant from Yugoslavia. (1856 or 57 -1943) Since he died in 1943, many nations have secretly developed his beam weapons which now

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