Contents Pages by Subject

Education: Opportunities/Resources

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One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is to root them in reality. That's an odd statement, I know, and I'll explain it momentarily, but after many years spent trying to figure out what makes a positive difference in a life… and esp

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The mission of The Prickly Pear is to inform and educate the public and those in the governing and public policy arenas about current and critical issues impacting Arizonans and Americans. Advocacy of citizen responsibilities and political and regula

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Jacek Spendel

"It has been only two weeks of exposure, but we have managed to get the maximum benefit out of it! And even more is coming..." Jacek Spendel, Director

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Tuttle Twins

This is the official channel of the Tuttle Twins TV series. Tween twins, a crazy granny & a time-traveling wheelchair. This is a show that teaches kids principles of freedom and government. Fasten your dentures. Let's make this grow faster than the n

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If we wish to have a strong, healthy, happy race of men, we should lay a good foundation in the education of early childhood. We should avoid all means of brutal, slavish training which cripple man's individuality, freedom, and happiness. We should

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Parents all across the country are going to war with each other over which books will be permitted to be placed in public (i.e., government) school libraries. They cannot see there is no possible way to resolve their war in a way that will make every

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Engineering 108

'When I was doing my Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering, I couldn't find appropriate tutorials or online material for reference purpose. So I took this initiative to build this website in order to help others so that they don't face the same problems

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Take out a blank sheet of paper and write the subject you want to learn at the top. Write out what you know about the subject as if you were teaching it to a child. Not your smart adult friend but rather an 8-year-old who has just enough vocabulary a

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Ubuntu is the world's most prominent Linux distribution. Ubuntu and its developer, Canonical, has caught a lot of flack over the years, but the Linux world is much better off thanks to both. So let's stop and take a moment to appreciate some o

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