Contents Pages by Subject

Human Rights

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Muslim Central -

Miko Peled, Israeli-Jew discussing the laws in Israel that concern different groups such as Israeli Jews, citizens of Israel with Palestinian ancestry, and Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. The speaker highlights that Israeli Jews have democrat

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Twitter - Permissionless II

Permissionless II opener from @ErikVoorhees that got an entire crypto conference on their feet

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Humanity stands about halfway between gorillas and gods. The great question that looms over us, is this: "Which will we incorporate into our lives? Primate things or God things?"

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Eric Peters Autos

The WEF crowd says that in the future, you will own nothing and they will be very happy. Of course, they do not say it exactly that way. But it's implied by what they do say. If you own nothing, then they will own everything.

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A report detailing dire consequences for Indigenous people in an Ecuador province comes amid a push on new World Bank President Ajay Banga to end asupport for destructive, high-emitting livestock operations.

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The Highwire - Del Bigtree - Bitchute

Human rights activist and Holocaust survivor, Vera Sharav, joins Del in studio to talk about her unspeakable childhood in a Romanian concentration camp, and draws comparisons to this incredibly dark time in history to how current day governments worl