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Human Rights

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Last week we examined the "social contract" in some depth, to see if it passes as a legal concept. This week we'll examine two follow-up issues: one that I didn't mention and one that I mentioned, but didn't delve into.

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Form time immemorial, humanity has enjoyed the presence of what we might call feminine influences and masculine influences (which don't necessarily involve one or the other sex). These masculine and feminine principles have jointly molded humanity,

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...there were a few things about TNG that rubbed me the wrong way, and the biggest of those was the Prime Directive. (It played a small role in the original series, but a large one in TNG.) I couldn't define why it bothered me back in 1990, but the

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What if I told you that almost every police interaction is discriminatory? If they ask you anything, you have ADA rights being stomped on.

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Eric Peters Autos

The nine people who - somehow - have acquired the absolute and arbitrary power to impose their will on 330-plus million people will decide whether the federal government has the constitutional power to apply force to those 330-plus million, in or