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IPFS News Link • Justice and Judges

This Coming Friday . . .

• Eric Peters Autos

This coming Friday could be the tipping point – and either way will be a good way.

The nine people who – somehow – have acquired the absolute and arbitrary power to impose their will on 330-plus million people will decide whether the federal government has the constitutional power to apply force to those 330-plus million, in order to compel them all to submit to medical procedures many of them object strongly to being forced to submit to.

This is plain language – as opposed to the opaque language used by government to mask the true nature of itself and its actions.

"Government" – itself – being an example of this.

It sounds vaguely benign. It is force – lethal force, when carried to its inevitable conclusion. If you do not obey government – which isn't an entity, by the way but rather just a relative handful of people who have acquired the power to force you to do things – you will be punished. Probably – initially – expected to hand over money as a corrective.

This being extortion.

If you fail to hand over the extortion money, ultimately, you will be "arrested" – another one of those words – which in fact means you'll be kidnapped by force and taken into custody. Which is to say, caged – no differently than if you'd been kidnapped by a serial killer. If you attempt to "resist" – that is, to defend yourself, to get away – the government (those people) will then resort to the ultimate violence.
