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IPFS News Link • Courtroom and Trials

In Easter Ruling, Judge Orders Release Of 'Border Riot' Migrants Who Overwhelmed National Gu

• Zero Hedge

The swarm of migrants overwhelmed Texas National Guard soldiers who were trying to organize them into groups to be taken into custody by Customs and Border Protection (CBP). At one point, a migrant attempted to grab a soldier's firearm, one National Guard source told the NY Post.

Following the riot, authorities confiscated knives and shanks from some of the migrants.

"These people were willing to assault military," said the Post's source. "They were willing to assault law enforcement. They have complete disregard for our laws."

In an Easter Sunday decision, presiding Magistrate Judge Humberto Acosta ordered the rioters released after accusing the El Paso DA's Office of being unprepared to proceed with detention hearings for each defendant, so they should be released, the El Paso Times reports.
