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The Economic Truth: Do You Really Own Anything?

• The Morgan Report -

David Morgan and John Sneisen engage in a discussion about the reality of ownership and if we truly own anything.

John Sneisen is a celebrated author and authoritative voice in the realms of economics and financial risk management. His best-selling books, "The End of Freedom" and "Canada, The Greatest Economy In The World?" have cemented his reputation as a keen observer of monetary trends and an advocate for fiscal preparedness. "The End of Freedom" is a comprehensive journey through the history of money, providing readers with insights into recurring monetary patterns and strategies to mitigate financial risks. His second best-seller offers a critical examination of the Canadian economy, revealing unseen perils that threaten its stability.

Beyond his written work, John has carved out a niche as a compelling orator, sharing his expertise across six countries, covering four topics in two languages. His video report series, "The Economic Truth Report" on platforms like Odysee and Rumble, further extends his reach, allowing him to connect with audiences worldwide.

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