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Hollywood-Entertainment Industry

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This year it appears crypto is ready for its close up. Hollywood has come knocking in significant ways. Alec Baldwin (The Boss Baby, SNL, Mission Impossible), Antonio Banderas (Shrek, Zorro, Spy Kids), and Oscar-winning filmmaker Bobby Moresco (Crash

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Several films featuring Bitcoin are coming out before the summer. The main character in "Superfly", a remake of the 1972 crime drama "Super Fly", is now "swapping cash for crypto." Director X's debut movie is scheduled for release on Ju

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Over the weekend, up-and-coming conservative star Candace Owens was attacked by liberal Hollywood actor Tom Arnold for praising President Donald Trump as "not just the leader of the free world, but the savior of it as well."

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The left doesn't care about black people. They don't want black people to be doctors, business owners or scientists. They want them to remain mired in dependency and hopelessness. They want them to continue to vote for their own enslavem