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Hollywood-Entertainment Industry

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It is quite common for many critics of Hollywood to raise the image of product placement. It is as though seeing an indirect or even a blatant advert in a film somehow detracts from their movie-going experience. In films of $100M+ budgets, on top of

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The city of Hollywood and the entertainment industry is a Satanic cesspool. Here's a look at what goes on behind the scenes. Order your "Liberalism: Find a Cure" t-shirt and other cool stuff here:

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Former President Obama and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton both denounced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein on Tuesday as allegations of rape and sexual harassment increased against the prominent Democratic donor.

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Morgan Freeman is used to playing God, and in lesser roles, president of the United States. These days, however, Freeman has sold his image and aura to the worst warmongers on the planet. Morgan Freeman has signed on as a front man and propagandist f