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Hollywood-Entertainment Industry

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Every director knows that the score can make the scene. Anyone who's ever watched a rough cut without soundtrack music can confirm this. Case in point: Something weird happens to the beloved throne room scene that ends the original 1977 Star Wars,

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There's this term in the processed food industry for when something is quantifiably at its most delicious, but also–critically–still unsatisfying enough that you always crave more. It's called the bliss point, and it's what ensures that you

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Any fan of Steven Spielberg will want to listen in for this one: The illustrious filmmaker behind works like Jaws, Indiana Jones, and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is stepping out from behind the camera to be the subject of a new documentary.

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Amy Schumer is not funny because people are sexist, according to lunatic liberals. But watch and see the real reason why nobody with half a brain thinks the piece of trash is funny.

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"Can we bring Trump here?" he asked the crowd at the Glastonbury Festival. "I think he needs help," he continued. "When's the last time an actor assassinated a President?" he asked, referring to John Wiles Booth, who shot and killed Abraham Linco

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Fox News Channel lent support to its best-known anchor Sean Hannity, saying Thursday that the popular host would return to its air next week following a Memorial Day holiday vacation – an effort to tamp down speculation that a controversy currently

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Jimmy Fallon apologizes for "humanizing" Donald Trump, and for being too nice to him, as liberals continue to blame Fallon in part, for Hillary losing the election, now over six months ago, since they just can't let it go. Media analyst Mark Dice has

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