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After Using His Son to Beg for Socialized Medicine, Jimmy Kimmel Silent as It Kills Baby Alfie


The system of state-run health care, which is championed by many in Hollywood, is responsible for the death of a baby and now its champions are silent.

A 23-month-old baby boy has died after he was held hostage by the British government against the wishes of his parents who may have been able to save his life. The denial of medical care to baby Alfie—which was being offered to him for free by doctors in Italy—happened, not out of some vile conspiracy to harm a child, but as a function of the British healthcare system.

"My gladiator lay down his shield and gained his wings at 02:30. I love you my guy," Tom Evans, Alfie's father wrote on his Facebook page Saturday.

"Our baby boy grew his wings tonight at 2:30 am," his mother Kate wrote. "We are heart broken. Thank you everyone for all your support."

Alfie's life began as a struggle and the toddler had been in a hospital since December of 2016 because of a rare degenerative neurological disorder. This year, the Alder Hey Children's Hospital, run by bureaucrats who are apparently more interested in saving money than saving lives, decided that Alfie's life was no longer worth saving.

The Vatican hospital in Rome offered free medical care, with experimental treatments that are not offered in the UK, which could've saved Alfie's life, and came at no expense to the UK government. However, the bureaucrats ruled that "all medical experts agreed that further treatment was futile and that it would be against Alfie's best interests to travel to Italy."

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