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Johnny Depp return to Pirates of the Caribbean welcomed by producer...


Johnny Depp has been 'un-canceled' - at least as far as a Pirates of the Caribbean reboot is concerned.

Screenwriter and producer of the swashbuckling franchise Terry Rossio tells that now that Depp has cleaned up his act he would be welcomed back with open arms.

In an exclusive interview, Rossio said he 'wouldn't even hesitate' to have Depp back on set, despite the allegations of abuse and alcoholism against the actor.

Rossio, 63, said casting the controversial Hollywood star is 'not the problem' for a sequel – it is finding the right script, co-stars and finances to revive the Disney-owned franchise, which has grossed over $4.5 billion worldwide.

Speaking exclusively on camera at the premiere of his new film Protocol 7, Rossio said of Depp: 'Johnny is beloved. I wouldn't even hesitate on Johnny Depp.'

'Johnny Depp isn't the issue. The issue is: is there a story worthy? Is the script good? Can it be directed well? Can the finances of it be worked out? Those are the issues. The issue has nothing to do with Johnny.'

Rossio, who was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay for Shrek, added that Disney should not just look at Depp returning, but attempt to bring back the main cast from the original Oscar-nominated debut Pirates movie Dead Man's Chest.

Asked how far Disney bosses have gotten in their revival plans, Rossio pleaded ignorance, saying: 'Oh my gosh, I don't have any inside information. I'm sorry, I can't say.'

But he then noted that other factors are likely to be holding up the reboot, and that sometimes it can take over a decade even for desired movies to be made.

'The Indiana Jones movie, for example, was like this,' he said. 'Everybody wanted it, but it took what, 15, 16 years for it to come about.