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Article Image, The HighWire with Del Bigtree

Nationally syndicated columnist, Michelle Malkin, joined thousands in Colorado to protest SB20-163, where it was brought to a committee vote last Sunday. Michelle breaks down big concerns about this hotly contested legislation, and exposes #BigPharma

Article Image, Waking Times

As if vaccine passports, COVID-19 contact tracing apps and the Rockefeller Foundation's plan to reopen America don't already pose enough of a threat to civil liberties and democratic society, here comes a new bill, H.R. 6666, the COVID-19 Testing

Article Image by Alex Kimani

After months of high drama and unceasing tedium, the OPEC+ group of countries, led by Saudi Arabia and Russia, finally granted President Trump his wish and agreed to pull some by 9.7 million barrels/day from the market in response to the epic collaps

Article Image, by Ron Paul

Last Monday, a bipartisan group of Senators and a coalition including libertarian and progressive activists thwarted a scheme to ram through the Senate legislation renewing three provisions of the USA FREEDOM Act (previously known as the USA PATRIOT

Article Image, Sean Walton

Virginia lawmakers blocked a ban on sales of assault weapons as part of a package of gun control measures that Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam had promised and gun owners have fought fiercely to defeat.


A law requiring abortion and medical providers to cremate or bury fetal remains passed the state Senate Tuesday in Utah, one of several states considering similar measures that abortion-rights advocates say stigmatize the procedure.

Article Image by AP

Polygamists have lived in Utah since before it became a state. Eighty-five years after plural marriage was declared a felony, they still number in the thousands and have even been featured in the long-running reality TV show, "Sister Wives."

Article Image, New York Times

Last year, New York lawmakers passed a bill ending all non-medical exemptions and religious exemptions to immunization after a measles outbreak, and New Jersey was set to follow by mandating students at any public or private school receive vaccines.