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The Arizona Legislature is considering a bill, HB 2162, that would eliminate the personal belief exemption to vaccines. This means that the only way a child could attend school without having the full CDC-recommended schedule of vaccines would be wit

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Dr. Judy Mikovits

URGENT ALERT: HB 2162 has been introduced in the Arizona Legislature to COMPLETELY ELIMINATE the personal exemption to vaccines required for school in Arizona

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Want to own your own unmanned aerial vehicle, or drone? These days, in many parts of the world, you can go down to your local department store and buy one. But you may need permission before you can pilot your drone into the skies.

Article Image By Dick Uliano

In one of his final tasks of 2018, President Donald Trump signed into law the Ashanti Alert Act, creating a nationwide alert system for missing, endangered adults between the ages of 18 and 64.

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Safford FCI, Arizona. The First Step Act, which is a bill set to reduce draconian sentencing guidelines, making much needed reforms inside the prison industrial complex and increase prison programs, is being stalled out by senate majority leader Mit