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Ever since ICO mania exploded in early 2017, Switzerland has served as Europe's de facto crowdsale launchpad. Financial authorities have welcomed crypto startups, and the likes of Tezos, Mysterium, and Arcblock have all heeded that call. Guidelines

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The Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data (CLOUD) Act just passed - almost in secret - tucked deep inside a voluminous spending package of well over a trillion dollars. No debate. No up or down vote on the merits of CLOUD. Instead, lawmakers wou

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Laurence M. Vance - on Gun Control

As night follows day, so cries for more gun control follow another deadly shooting. But once again, it is not just Democrats, liberals, progressives howling for more or stricter gun-control laws, it is Republicans and conservatives as well.

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Mark Dice Video-Congressman reintroduces Fisa Bill

Congressman reintroduces bill written by Adam Schiff...

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In a sign that lab-grown meat is getting closer to finally reaching the market and significantly disrupting traditional meat-producing industries, the US Cattlemen's Association (USCA) is petitioning the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

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The state of California has introduced a new bill that aims to recognize blockchain transactions, digital signatures, and smart contracts as a legal form of record. Assemblyman Ian Calderon introduced Assembly Bill 2658 on February 20 in order to re-
