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DIY-Do it yourself

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(Natural News) Our lives certainly aren't getting any less stressful, and more and more people are stepping away from health damaging, addictive drugs like Xanax to calm their nerves, and are instead healing themselves through natural remedies.

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Britta Riley wanted to grow her own food (in her tiny apartment). So she and her friends developed a system for growing plants in discarded plastic bottles -- researching, testing and tweaking the system using social media, trying many variations at

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You can't stop gazing at the luminous full moon--you need to share this with Instagram. So you pull out your phone, aim at the heavens, and capture...a fuzzy white blob. The firmament is one of the hardest targets to snap on a phone. Why? A smartp

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Break down and recompress trash to make new things. When humans move into new territory, we leave waste behind, and one of our most harmful byproducts is plastic. Dave Hakkens wants to solve the planet's plastic problem with a build-it-yourself hom

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There's nothing quite like putting down roots and tending a garden. But what happens if you don't have a backyard? Or you're suddenly uprooted? Or you decide to go on a road trip and can't get anyone to watch your plants?

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WIRED spoke with Peter Bibring--director of police practices for the ACLU of California and an architect of Mobile Justice, a free app that allows users to transmit live video of police encounters directly to the ACLU--about what people need to kno