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Trias is a network that aims to build a decentralized environment that is able to execute normal applications that are not necessarily were build for blockchain. We dig deep into the technology as I try to understand the ins and outs of the architect

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Trias is a network that aims to build a decentralized environment that is able to execute normal applications that are not necessarily were build for blockchain. We dig deep into the technology as I try to understand the ins and outs of the architect

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Messi was too small, George Best was too light and Roy Keane had been turned down for a trial by most English football clubs before he was spotted playing for Cobh Ramblers in Cork.It is hard to imagine that they almost missed out on becoming profess

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One of the things that makes the Bitcoin blockchain network so appealing and powerful is that every transaction is validated by a swarm of folks who are decentralized, and whose single purpose is to validate whether a transaction is true or false.

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Sirin Labs is shipping the Finney Blockchain Phone - a decked out android phone with a custom hardware wallet module. The phone even has a separate screen to confirm transactions and enter your pin - making it unhackable even if the android device it

Article Image, Overstock Public Relation CEO & founder and tZERO Executive Chairman Dr. Patrick M. Byrne discusses building a "blockchain's tech stack for civilization" in his keynote address at the 2019 North American Bitcoin Conference.

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Justin's note: All week, we've been sharing the top money-making opportunities for 2019 from our experts here at Casey Research. On Monday, E.B. Tucker showed us why legal sports betting is about to explode… Tuesday, Nick Giambruno explained wh
