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I recently attended the Blockchain Economy World Tour in Sydney where Dr W.Scott Stornetta presented his 'aha' moment in developing digital timestamping, one of the core components of bitcoin. It is important to acknowledge that one of the core e

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A billion-dollar industry has sprung up virtually overnight. Cannabis has gone from taboo to big business, and most of it is happening in Canada, a country with 35 million people and big, green ambitions.

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Blockchain this and blockchain that might be so much hype, but no one can deny hundreds of millions of dollars, some say billions, sloshing around the ecosystem in search of advancing technology undergirding cryptocurrencies. There's a battle in ev

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We have proposed to the DASH DAO to fund the sequencing of a Type II cannabis plant and place this genome on a public blockchain with a crypto-incentivized, Blockchain transparent peer review process.

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Libra Credit is a decentralized lending ecosystem that facilitates open access to credit anywhere and anytime based on the Ethereum blockchain. Libra was founded by former PayPal technical and financial experts, Libra Credit is a leader in the lendin

Article Image by Kevin Helms

The government of Venezuela has taken action against two cryptocurrency exchange operators in the country. Both of them allow customers to convert between a number of cryptocurrencies and bolivars and send remittances abroad.

Article Image, By Annabelle Bamforth

In early April, Ben Swann attended the Block2TheFuture blockchain and digital currency conference in San Francisco, CA. During his time there, Swann gave an informative talk that detailed the imminent transformation in how news and media will be prod