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Business/ Commerce

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Article Image by Eric

When a person begins losing a lot of weight -" and it's not because they've been dieting - it's what they call a clue in law enforcement that something might be wrong with that person.

Article Image by Brian Wang

There are huge subsidies for electric semi trucks and several major places like California are requiring 30% of all new tractor-trailer sales by 2030.

Article Image by Tyler Durden

Lumber peaked at $1,336 per thousand board feet in late February but has settled at around $380 this week, representing a dramatic 72% decline in prices, primarily due to elevated mortgage rates, slowing housing activity, waning builder confidence, a

Article Image by Daisy Luther

Usually, after the biggest shopping day of the year, I scour the internet for a montage of shocking videos for an annual Black Friday Hall of Shame. This year, there weren't enough badly behaved people to make an article.