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Business/ Commerce

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Article Image, By eric

"Penalties" are what you're forced to pay when you've done nothing wrong – as opposed to something criminal. Like selling cars to people who wanted to buy them that use more gas than the government says they're allowed to.

Article Image by Tyler Durden

Faltering California took another economic hit on Friday, as America's largest personal lines insurer said it would immediately stop selling new home insurance policies in the state. California is the largest property and casualty insurance market in

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

Faltering California took another economic hit on Friday, as America's largest personal lines insurer said it would immediately stop selling new home insurance policies in the state. California is the largest property and casualty insurance market in

Article Image by Daisy Luther

If you're anything like me, you may have been utterly baffled by recent events in marketing. Companies like Gillette, Disney, Nike, Tampax, and Bud Light seem to have completely abandoned their core customer base and pandered to an entirely differe
