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Surviving the Collapse

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Article Image, Daisy Luther

This is important…just in case. I hope I'm wrong, but things are very tense in the world right now and some of the people with whom things are tense are nuclear powers.

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Ogranic Prepper - 1st Marine Jar Head

Making assumptions about the SHTF can help you to create a game plan and be better prepared. Here are some educated guesses about what we could face.

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Organic Prepper - Daisy Luther

No matter who you are, no matter where you are, there are steps you can take to make yourself safer. These are the best strategies from The Organic Prepper website all in one place, all with one goal: to keep you and your family safe from harm in a w

Article Image, By Zollie21

Nuclear War, First Responders Will Have To Wait For The Deadly Fallout To Decay Before They Enter A Hot Zone So The More You Prepare, The Better Your Odds Of Surviving A Nuclear Crisis

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Organic Prepper - Daisy Luther

People think a summer power outage is easier to deal with than a winter one. However, a summer power outage carries its own set of problems, some of which can also be deadly.

Article Image, By Jeff Thomas

For many years, there have been those who have been prognosticating an economic crisis – not just a recession lasting a year or two, but a full-blown Greater Depression that would eclipse any major event we've seen in our lifetimes.
