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The Daily Bell

While the world's economies jockey one another for the lead in the currency devaluation derby, it's worth considering the value of the prize they are seeking.

Article Image, By Paul Craig Roberts

Over the past month there has been a statistically improbable concurrence of events that can only be explained as a conspiracy to protect the dollar from the Federal Reserve's policy of Quantitative Easing (QE).

Article Image, By Anirban Nag

The euro rose versus the dollar for the first time in four sessions on Tuesday, helped by profit-taking on bets favoring the U.S. currency and by expectations that German investor morale could nudge higher.

Article Image, by Paul Rosenberg

An increasing number of people have complained about governments and central banks in recent years, even using the word "tyranny" to describe them. They are, of course, called names in the establishment press: conspiracy theorists, mainly.

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Thanks to a drop into contractionary territory for both New Export Orders and Employment, HSBC's Flash China Manufacturing PMI missed expectations and dropped to its equal lowest 'expansionary' print in six months.

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In what could to grow into a class action in US courts, a Chinese woman is suing the Federal Reserve after discovering that the real value of the USD250 she put in an account in 2006 had shrunk by 30%.

Article Image, Tyler Durden

Overnight a number of media types discussed the inevitability of the 100JPY Maginot Line being crossed (the same way they predicted the inevitable breach of USDJPY 100 two weeks ago).

Article Image, by Andy Duncan

Following the Mt. Gox takedown, I acted as referee between Doug Casey, of Casey Research, and Jon Matonis, of Bitcoin Foundation, as they discussed the relative merits of two free market monies, gold and Bitcoin. It was a great contest.