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Article Image, Matthew Boesler

U.S. stocks have taken a sharp turn lower today as the Japanese yen strengthens against the U.S. dollar.

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Imagine it’s 2040. You go to the grocery store, and when you look for the checkout counter there is none. There’s no place to pay for your groceries because you already did.

Article Image, By Robert McMillan

Before most people had ever heard of the digital currency bitcoin, Brian Armstrong, a 27-year-old engineer at the home-sharing website Airbnb, thought it could make him a lot of money.

Article Image, Tyler Durden

After less than three months consideration, the IRS has issued its statement clarifying th etax treatment of Bitcoins (and other virtual currencies) before the April 15th Deadline.

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I read a story recently about a group of dandies who want to “help regulate Bitcoin, for its own good.” The thing about these guys is that they don’t really care about Bitcoin as a beautiful, disruptive technology or even for the great benefit it bri