Contents Pages by Subject

General Opinion

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Humanity stands about halfway between gorillas and gods. The great question that looms over us, is this: "Which will we incorporate into our lives? Primate things or God things?"

Article Image by Doug Casey

International Man: President Biden is running for reelection in 2024. However, many Americans are questioning Biden's physical and mental faculties. He appears half asleep on many occasions--often forgetting his train of thought or stumbling on h

Article Image by Tyler Durden

When COVID-19 broker out, Dr. Deborah Birx, a former military AIDS researcher with no training, experience, or publications in epidemiology or public health policy, found herself leading a White House Task Force which would play a seminal role in dic

Article Image By Alastair Crooke

We seem headed for a point of impact, with the prospect of collision in full view – and one as obvious as it was in 1911.

Article Image by Paul Craig Rob

Comments on the accelerating collapse of the United States. By 2030 or thereabouts, the United States will have the most tyrannical government and society that has ever existed on Earth. No one who represents the people and their morality is tolerat

Article Image by Piers Morgan Uncensored

Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by social influencer and host of 'The Mikhaila Peterson Podcast' Mikhaila Peterson to discuss how eating nothing but steak is keeping her healthy, her relationship with her father Jordan Peterson, her views on mascul

Article Image by Jeffrey Tucker

There is a tendency in the world of ideas to divide thinkers into saints and witches.

Article Image by The Highwire with Del

Heroes of the Devastating Lahaina Fire Report from Maui; Jefferey Jaxen reports on the FDA reversing course on Ivermectin, and They Want Us to Mask Up Again Citing a New Variant; Are We On the Precipice of An Inescapable Pandemic Of The Vaccinated?;

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Perspective – that's really what everything boils down to. One can choose to see only gloom and doom, they can choose to see in a hopeful and positive light, or they may land somewhere in the middle.
