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IPFS News Link • General Opinion

2024 Election

• by Doug Casey

Doug Casey: The very fact that he's supposedly even contemplating running in 2024 is further proof that he's non compos mentis. He's so far gone that he doesn't even realize what an embarrassment he is. But it's not a question of his age, per se.

A lot of people in their eighties are sharp as a tack. Age slows you down, true. But if you've gained wisdom through many years of experience, you can still play the game. The problem with Biden isn't so much that he's decrepit and feeble—although those things are highly undesirable in a national leader. It's that he lacks any semblance of ability, has no judgment, and is devoid of morality and ethics. The world is asking: How degraded are the American people that they could not just elect but are thinking of reelecting, such a pathetic shell?

Trump is only four years younger, but he appears hale and hardy. All this should be academic, however. It should, ideally, make little difference who the president is.

Switzerland is the most prosperous country in Europe, and nobody knows or cares who the president of Switzerland might be. It would be nice if the president of the US was nothing but a figurehead, someone respectable to set a moral tone and give a good example. Perhaps that's the biggest reason Biden shouldn't run. He's almost the antithesis of a role model. Although admittedly superior to his thoroughly degenerate son, who he once identified as the most intelligent man he knew.
