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General Opinion

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Let's be honest and admit that Western civilization has lost its sense of purpose. Western man has nowhere he's going, has no great goal to accomplish. As a result, he and she have become listless, disappointed, and frustrated.

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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's recent speech on immigration really missed the point. I understand Trump's frustration over the US government's inability to control the US borders and keep out those who would come to this count

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Labor Day--what is it? Perhaps not many Americans any longer know, so here is my explanation.

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Nick Giambruno: Doug, I know you've been thinking about how the Greater Depression will unfold. It's no secret the government has created the biggest credit bubble in history through endless money printing--euphemistically called QE--and now -

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"It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." ~Douglas Adams

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Every wonder what can possibly happen on a foreign aid humanitarian mission? Well, have a look. Now, I don't want to make fun of this because this is a horrifying thing and the survivors will be in a living hell. But I will say this: I humbly sugge

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The only thing people are asking me more right now than, "Who are you voting for?" is "Are you watching the Olympics?" The answer to both questions is: I couldn't care less about it. Now, I know that slamming the Olympics is tantamount to b

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Most people still take pride in being "law-abiding taxpayers." It still gives them a warm, fuzzy feeling to know that they "play by the rules," in spite of the fact that "the rules"--as made up by so-called "law-makers"--have gotten

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Frieden Smith's Blog

I urge you to read my father's latest blog. I have witnessed his suffering, and share with him in wanting to warn you. I would like to also ask, as he does, for your prayers for him. Click to read his latest blog.

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I've found a great deal of value in that little saying. It is, in fact, a fundamental building block of human development. So long as we call things by false names, we maintain our own confusion and contribute to our own abuse.

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On my daily walk this morning, I once again noticed that parks, streets, and other public places in my hometown of Scottsdale, Ariz., are not as well-maintained they as used to be. That's a red flag for a city of 230,000 that is largely dependent
