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7 Reasons Why We Do Not Need a President


"It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." ~Douglas Adams

No single human being should ever be allowed as much power as the president is given, no matter how competent, worthy, or wise they may be. Power can take down the most robust of characters. It's a fire that burns unless it is somehow dispersed and expiated. The irony is that nobody who wants to be president should be president, because they are the ones most likely to become corrupt, if they're not corrupt already. Lured by power, lured by the need to rule, lured by the need to control, those seeking power are the least fit to wield it. So it most definitely goes.

Sure, there might be exceptions out there somewhere. But it is highly unlikely. There may be a "Harry Potter" out there in the real world, who is willing to break the "Elder Wand" so its power doesn't have a chance to corrupt. But it is very doubtful. There may be a "Maximus" out there somewhere, willing to "defeat Rome" and "once all of Rome is his," simply walk away. But it is highly doubtful. Barring any real-life mythological heroism, power over others is simply too much responsibility for one person, or even a group of people, to handle. With that taken into consideration, here are seven reasons why we do not need a president.

1.) Power Tends to Corrupt

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." ~Lord Acton

This is the biggest reason why we do not need a president. The average human simply cannot handle power. As Abraham Lincoln observed, "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." Authentic power empowers others. Honest power has no need to cling to power, it releases it instead. It spreads it out. It expiates it. It empowers others.

We don't need a president with power, we need more leaders who understand the nature of power. We don't need a president for the same reasons we don't need leaders who are intent upon gaining followers. We need leaders who are intent upon creating better leaders. Authority be damned. Hierarchy be damned. The only thing that matters is the prevention of corrupt power, lest we inadvertently slip into a tyrannical state.

The president is given too much power. That's the bottom line. On a long enough timeline such power becomes corrupt. And here we are, living in a time where the corruption is rampant within a bloated, unhealthy, unsustainable system built upon violence and ignorance. And still, the ballot boxes are fat with the myopic votes of the blindly obedient.

2.) The Presidency Just Propagates the Outdated Power of the State
