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IPFS News Link • American History

A brand new visitor's first impressions of the United States

• Sovereign Man

One of the members of Team Sovereign Man just arrived for the first time in his life to the United States.

This is pretty unusual, especially for the incredibly well-traveled members of our team.

Peter, an Australian in his mid-40s who has been living in Asia for most of his adult life, is taking a few days rest in Arizona in transit from his home in Bangkok to our headquarters in Chile.

It's not every day that someone I've known for several years comes to the country of my birth for the first time ever, and I thought his impressions were quite interesting.

I'm forwarding them to you below:

I've been to 30 countries, so I'm not widely traveled by Sovereign Man standards, but I do have an interesting perspective: I've never been to America. Until now.

I was expecting everything to be big and awesome and based on consumption, but I simply wasn't prepared for what I was going to see.

Old town Scottsdale, where I'm staying, is beautiful, clean, and full of fun people.

The biggest 4x4s I've ever seen cruise up and down the roads, along with golf carts, a Thai tuktuk, and some contraption with eight young women pedaling while they drank cocktails (they had a sober driver) and waved to the odd Australian who was actually walking.

Nobody seems to walk here. I asked about the comedy club which is a 10-minute walk from my hotel. They told me it's a 3-minute drive. Everything is an x-minute drive away.

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