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General Opinion

Article Image by Paul Craig Roberts

When one gives so much scarce time and energy from one's life to a large and unknown public, one needs to know that it is sufficiently appreciated to be a worthwhile use of one's time and energy. This is especially the case when there are large c

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Let's stop limiting our potential with -isms and pigeonholes. Let's stop judging our neighbours by the labels we slap on them instead of the conversations we have with them. Let's rediscover what it is to live in community with real people in t

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It has been said that "as California goes, so goes the nation". That is why it is such a shame what is happening to that once great state. At one time, California seemed to be the epicenter of the American Dream. Featuring some of the most bea

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There are many types of mixed drinks, dirty martinis being one of them. I love dirty martinis, but I don't want them to be the only drink out there! Without trying all the other cocktails, how could I possibly know if dirty martinis are the best?

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Eight years after the crisis of 2008-09, central banks are still injecting $200 billion a month into the global financial system to keep it from imploding.

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Recently, I was in a pharmacy and overheard the pharmacist say to someone, "There's so much unpleasantness on the news these days, I've stopped watching." The pharmacist has my sympathy. I'd love to be able to ignore the deterioration of th

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If you ask an economist to suggest areas where the state should be involved, one answer you're likely to hear is that states should provide "public goods." A public good is a good that is both non-excludable and non-rival. By non-excludable, ec

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Some of our assumptions are so deeply embedded that we cannot perceive them ourselves.

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"When our friends get elected, they aren't our friends any more." -- M. Stanton Evans My deceased friend Stan Evans became deservedly famous for this law of politics.

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Who from the Czech Republic follows Lockheed Martin on social media? Well, Atlantic Council experts to begin with. A recent Atlantic Council article by Jakub Janda and Ilyas Sharibzhanov caught my attention in my pursuit of the real "Fake News" p

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A New York Times article says "The agency's [FBI's] investigation of Mr. Manafort began last spring as an outgrowth of a criminal investigation into his work for a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine and for the country's former president,