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A team of daring Chinese researchers, digging into the ancient mysteries of the origin of their country, has come to the inescapable conclusion that an interstellar, supreme alien race used much of the northern and western Chinese regions as massiv

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About 95 percent of marine life and 70 percent of terrestrial life became extinct during what is known as the end-Permian, a time when continents were all one land mass called Pangea. The environment ranged from desert to lush forest. Four-limbed ver

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Superconductivity and magnetic field do not like each other. When possible, the superconductor will expel all the magnetic field from inside. This is the Meissner effect. In our case, since the superconductor is extremely thin, the magnetic field DOE

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Mongolian engineering firm ECOS & EMI will try to recreate this process by drilling bore holes into the ice that has started to form on the Tuul river. The water will be discharged across the surface, where it will freeze. This process – effectively

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"He struggles to try and understand why people even care about what he did," says Kiehl, describing his time interviewing Dugan. "Clinically, it is fascinating." I tend to see psychopaths as someone suffering from a disorder, so I wouldn't us

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Some small bodies moved into the Kuiper Belt and others traveled inward, producing impacts on the terrestrial planets and the Moon. The giant planets moved as well. Jupiter, for example, scattered most small bodies outward and moved inward.

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This image, acquired by the Subaru Telescope and its HiCIAO instrument, is the first to show spiral arms in a circumstellar disk. The disk itself is some 14 billion miles across, or about twice the size of Pluto's orbit in our own solar system. (Cre

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One would think that with the huge advances in imaging technology, that we would have a superior grasp of the relative positions of our stellar neighbors. Most folks do not know we are part of a supergroup of some sort and plenty of support suggests

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he Eagle Owl is a large and powerful bird, smaller than the Golden Eagle but larger than the Snowy Owl. It is sometimes referred to as the world's largest owl, but this is actually the Blakiston's Fish Owl, which is slightly bigger on average.[2][3

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A close pass by a near-Earth object (NEO) the size of asteroid 2005 YU55 is a fairly rare event, thankfully (because of the impact possibility), something that occurs perhaps once every 25 years or so, said Lindley Johnson, NASA's NEO Observations

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The IRSN said that, for the Pacific generally, caesium levels would ultimately stabilise at 0.004 becquerels per litre thanks to the diluting effect of powerful ocean currents. This is twice the concentration that prevailed during atmospheric nucl

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Until now, researchers believed that graphene was no different in its reaction to light – although some suspected that thermoelectric processes could be at play in the material. The new research by the MIT–Harvard team has unambiguously confirmed for

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ITHACA, N.Y.—The largest woodpecker that ever lived probably went extinct in the late 20th century in the high mountains of Mexico, without anyone ever capturing photos or film of the two-foot-tall, flamboyantly crested bird. Or so scientists thought

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The study also suggests that, contrary to government claims, pools used to store spent nuclear fuel played a significant part in the release of the long-lived environmental contaminant caesium-137, which could have been prevented by prompt action. Th

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...spacesuits have grown into machines of impressive complexity, even becoming miniature spacecraft that fly independently. Spacesuits have allowed people to grab rocks from the lunar surface, make repairs on the Hubble Space Telescope, ...